Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Address * What services are you interested in? * Standard Standard Plus Move out/in Construction Number of Service? * One time Daily Weekly Bi-Weekly Monthly Quarterly Other What type of property? * House Condo/Apartment Studio Other What is the square footage of you of your space? * Number of bedrooms? * Number of full bathrooms * Number of half bathrooms * Do you own pets? * Yes No How dirty is your space? * Minimal to mild Mild to moderate moderate to unkept Unkept to extremely unkept ADD ON: Indoor windows and tracks Number of window panes? ADD ON: Bed linen wash/made Number of beds? ADD ON: Inside stove Number of stoves? ADD ON: Inside of fridges. Number of fridges? ADD ON: Blinds washed (metal, plastic or wood) Number of blinds? ADD ON: Inside cupboards and drawers Number of cupboards and drawers? ADD ON: Baseboards Thank you!